The Arabic weekend school will start on Saturday September 14th 2024. We advise all the parents to register their children before this date.

60 Willow Street

Chelsea, MA 02150

(617) 409-9328

F: (617) 963 - 7194

Mon - Fri: 11:00AM - 10:00PM

Masjid Open 5 Prayers & Jumuah

Al Huda Weekend School


Now Open For 24-25

Encrolled Students

To register, enrolled students should go to:

Use the student’s username & password to log in:


New Students

  • New students can register at this link below:
  • The minimum age to enroll is “4 years old” by September 1st, 2024
  • Pre-K Class is for new students younger than 5 years old.
  • KG Class is for new students 5+ years old.
  • Anyone older than 7+ years old must temporarily register at the placement test class till the administration assigns them a corresponding class after the test.
  • A payment of $75 deposit is required to complete any registration application.