According to the calculation method, the first day of Ramadan will be March 1st, 2025. The Taraweeh prayer will start on February 28th after Ishaa Prayer.

60 Willow Street

Chelsea, MA 02150

(617) 409-9328

F: (617) 963 - 7194

Mon - Fri: 11:00AM - 10:00PM

Masjid Open 5 Prayers & Jumuah

Arabic Weekend School

Arabic Weekend School

09/16/2023 – to – 06/09/2024

The mission of the Al-Huda Weekend Arabic School is to consolidate the Islamic beliefs and practices in our children through the teaching of the Quran and the Arabic Language.

This education is essential to help children face future challenges as Muslims. The program is designed to assist your child in this endeavor. The home and the school have joint responsibility for the child’s development.


All students need to register to enroll in our school for this year. Registration priority is given to current students. Registration for 2021 – 2022 is open from Sept 5 to Sep 12.

School Tuition:

The annual school tuition is $700 ($350 per Term) – Due at registration! A sibling discount is available. “I Love Islam” Books are NOT included in the tuition.

Students Age:

The minimum age to attend Al-Huda weekend school is 4 years old. A valid birth certificate is required for young students during registration.

First Day Of School:

Al-Huda School classes BEGIN on Sept. 18, 2021, Insha’Allah CDC & DOE guidelines & recommendations will be applied.